Month: August 2018

  • Virtue Signaling in Public Statements

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    [Think of the times when a celebrity responds to a news event with a statement that they condemn it.] Why [is it] a virtue to state one’s opinion to no one in particular? [Is there a d]ifference between articles/essays and [such statements […]

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  • Meditatio vs Tentatio

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    When experience tempts one to disagree with higher truth, human abstraction has lost its grounding in reality: little-faith. [Consider the event of when Peter was called to walk to Jesus on the sea during the storm. He saw the waves and was […]

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  • Trust vs Doubt in God’s Care

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    Trust vs. Doubt: Being part of the plan or not.[Can you trust that you are part of God’s plan or not?][When praying for people:] Praying for people to be part of the plan.But they are. Rather pray the plan include X. [(that […]

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