A condensed form of Psalm 22 put to music.
Click here to download the sheet music as a pdf.

My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me?
O God, my God, I cry by day and night,
But You do not answer me.
Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.
In You our fathers have trusted and You have delivered them,
And they were not put to shame.
But I am a worm, despised by all earth and scorned.
They mock me and wag their heads at me.
“He trusts in the Lord; let Yahweh deliver him!
He says He delights in him!”
Yet You are He who made me trust You within the womb.
Be not far from me for trouble is near; I am alone,
And there is none to help.
They open their mouths, like ravening, roaring beasts.
My life is poured out, my bones pulled free.
My heart is like wax; it’s melted within my breast.
You lay me in dust and death.
They pierce my hands. I count all my bones. They gloat at me.
They pierce my feet. I see my garments divided up.
For my clothing they cast lots.
But You, O Lord, do not be far off from me!
Come quick to my aid, O You, my help!
Deliver my soul, my life from the pow’r of the dog!
From wild ox horns answer me!
I’ll praise Your name before my brothers: Praise ye the Lord!
For He’s not despised the afflicted nor hidden His face from him,
But heard when he crieed to Him.
From You comes my praise in the great assembly.
Before those who fear, I pay my vows:
The poor shall be filled; the needy shall praise the Lord!
May your hearts forever live!
All ends of the earth shall remember the Lord and turn to Him.
All fam’lies of nations shall worship before You, for You are king.
All nations belong to You.
Before You shall bow those who to the dust go down:
He who could not keep himself alive.
The rich of the earth shall eat and worship the Lord!
Posterity shall serve Him.
It shall be told to the next generations, those yet unborn;
They shall cry out His righteousness forevermore,
Proclaiming that it is done!