Author: Bryan Stearns

  • Mindset of Holy to the Lord

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    Thought of the day: How does one keep the mind of Christ throughout the mundane daily life? “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you…. And as you wish […]

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  • Walking on the Water in Hope

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    Thought of the day: The event of Peter walking on the water to Jesus is not just an image of how we should not be afraid here in times of trouble. It is that, but it is also an image for how […]

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  • Praying for our Inheritance

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    Thought of the day: Is it okay to wish that God would call home an aged loved one who is in great suffering in this flesh? On the one hand, we should not wish for the death of anyone. Death is evil. […]

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  • Modern Jezebel and Holiness

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    Thought of the day: I recently read a post someone made in which they shared an article that called out a nominally Christian denomination for its open acceptance of things like abortion and homosexuality. I also saw that a number of people […]

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  • Psalm 22 – Hymn

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    A condensed form of Psalm 22 put to music. Click here to download the sheet music as a pdf. My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?Why are you so far from saving me?O God, my God, I cry by day […]

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  • Think Things of God

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    To the tune ST. LUKE (“As Surely As I Live,” God Said) Think things of God; think things of light,For such has God made man upright.Illuminate Your children, Lord,To walk according to Your Word. Think things of truth: the Way, the Life,The […]

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  • Knowledge Passes Away

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    Thought of the day: We devote a lot of our time and energy toward avoiding decay. I don’t just mean thing like putting food in the fridge and keeping our buildings in good repair. I mean all the little practical nuggets of […]

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  • A Blessing to be Mundane

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    Thought of the day: The American culture today raises us to value being unique/weird/special. I grew up with the mindset that I ought to try to do something worth recording in the history books or else I’d be wasting my life. This […]

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  • Easter Graveyard Procession

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    Thought from church this morning: Wouldn’t it be cool to have the Easter procession start in the graveyard outside, looking at the graves with people we know have gone before us, and we say of Jesus, “He is not here, He is […]

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  • Book 5.1 – Test the Scriptures

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    “Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast.By your appointment they stand this day, for all things are your servants.If your law had not been […]

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