Raw Notecards

Most of the writing on this website begins as notes that I write down for myself as I learn different insights from God’s Word and through my teachers or personal study. Rather, the polished book or treatise or article content usually represents a consolidation of several nuggets of learning that I build up over the course of several notecards.

I think there is some value in sharing the original notecards here in addition to the more consolidated resulting writings. The main reason for this is that each notecard (especially from the earlier years) tends to represent a single thesis or thought that can be considered atomically. Another reason is that knowledge, by nature, builds upon itself, and perhaps the best way to teach a counter-cultural system of thought is to teach the same sequence of atomic nuggets that led a man from that culture to that conclusion. (Notecards from later years tend to be less atomic, since they often assume content from earlier notecards.) A reader can follow the gradual path I took by reading through these notecards in chronological order. The third reason is that some of the content in these notecards has not yet been consolidated into book or article form, and sharing the source notes ensures that the content is recorded in case something impedes the written consolidation.

Most of the original notecards are written in a terse shorthand or require more context to understand. Thus, for better readability, I do often expand upon them as I record them on this website. Any place you see content in [square brackets], that represents my attempt to augment the original notecard so that the original thought is communicated here more readily.

Regarding timestamps: The original notes were recorded digitally, with multiple notes on a single digital memo. I only have one timestamp for each memo though (the timestamp of when the last note was added to it), so the dates given for each notecard are not precise. (Also, some of the notecards dated “2018” may actually have been from 2017 or earlier. At some point in late 2018 I edited earlier notecards to clean up typos, and thereby lost the original timestamps.)

I am gradually copying notecards into this website, often on lunchbreaks. Keep checking back for more!

  • Trust vs Doubt in God’s Care

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    Trust vs. Doubt: Being part of the plan or not.[Can you trust that you are part of God’s plan or not?][When praying for people:] Praying for people to be part of the plan.But they are. Rather pray the plan include X. [(that […]

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  • Meditatio vs Tentatio

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    When experience tempts one to disagree with higher truth, human abstraction has lost its grounding in reality: little-faith. [Consider the event of when Peter was called to walk to Jesus on the sea during the storm. He saw the waves and was […]

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  • Virtue Signaling in Public Statements

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    [Think of the times when a celebrity responds to a news event with a statement that they condemn it.] Why [is it] a virtue to state one’s opinion to no one in particular? [Is there a d]ifference between articles/essays and [such statements […]

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